Mindfulness Practitioner Program- Online Masterclass

This Mindfulness Practitioner program will provide you with all the tools and practice you need to feel confident in integrating meditation and mindfulness into your life. It will also give you a firm resolve in who you are in your deepest essence and what you stand for in life, so that you can live in a way that continues to nourish and fulfill you for the rest of your life.

Lead by Mindfulness Experts and International Trainers where you get exposed to powerful tools and techniques that can accelerate your personal and professional life, your relationships and most importantly your social life.

Benefits of the Program

  • Improves attention, focus and concentration
  • Improves overall health and immunity
  • Increases empathy (understand feeling of others)
  • Helps you manage stress
  • Improves relationships at work and personal life
  • Helps you respond rather than react
  • Enhances awareness and understanding of your own impulses and emotions
  • Improves emotional intelligence


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Jun 28 2020


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Online Session