Certified Leadership Program

4-days intensive leadership development program designed by Indian Leadership Academy – India’s Premier Leadership Academy in Partnership with Skill Central UK– UK’s Most Promising Learning Organization.

Course Highlights :

*️⃣ Master Your Leadership Presence
*️⃣ Gain insights into your leadership personality and style
*️⃣ Build confidence in yourself as both a leader and a decision-maker
*️⃣ Understand the competencies and responsibilities of a true leader


The course is approved by Skill Central UK, Indian Leadership Academy, and ISO – International Organization for Standardization.

Know more…

Ready to get started to empower yourself and others..

Confirm your presence and we will get in touch with you soon. So, hurry up! Register now for this program.

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Nov 23 2020 - Nov 26 2020


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Online Session